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The facts.

Which is the most important issue of 2020 ?

Is it global warming, austerity and homelessness, the over-use of natural resources, too much plastic maybe.

Trick question , there is no most important issue. I'm sure everyone has an issue most close to their heart but in reality, there is no issue closer to your heart than air pollution. I can rattle of countless statistics that would absolutely shock and disgust every one of you, about the air quality in Cardiff , but we've decided to create a short video that we feel highlights these issues perfectly.So watch above

About us.

We are going to try and re-educate the public with regards to air pollution, by piggybacking on other larger environmental groups  and by speaking and interviewing industry professionals we are going to try and promote a social media campaign, in which the main focus is to get the facts straight, and to bring the knowledge to the people. Using high quality photography and well researched facts we are already starting to make a social media presence, to measure how effective this campaign has gone we have also create a petition which is on our social media and at the top of the page, forcing the local council to declare a public health emergency with regards to air pollution. Before anyone says it, yes, currently there is the issue of the Covid-19 and some would say it insensitive to try and prompt the government to declare a health emergency about air pollution over that, but one doesn’t fix the other, air pollution is still killing 150 people a year alone in just Cardiff. As David Attenborough recently said  “The problem is things like coronavirus blow you off course, but one hopes the world keeps its eye on the ball on this one”


© 2020 by Aircarecardiff , credit walesonline for video

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